I wrote a book. Oh yes I did! I have three copies in print! My book is called ALWAYS, which was actually written for my three kids in 2003 to give them my profound advise on manners. You see, I have always hated rules, but I am firm believer in being nice…so I wrote a how to “always” be nice book. Of course, at the risk of becoming famous I would love to share it with the masses. Now keep in mind… You can be too nice. I don’t like people that don’t cuss, drink or act a little crazy…just do it with kindness!
ALWAYS…too many rules, never enough manners!
Give pedestrians the right of way.
Laugh at yourself
Put your napkin in your lap as soon as you sit down at the table.
When meeting someone, say their name. Everyone likes to be heard and everyone loves hearing their name.
Never say never Don’t say I can’t, say I don’t know how.
Write thank you notes…on paper.
Don’t drive fast! Don’t pass on two lane roads! Never ever shoot someone the finger!
Turn off your tv if you have company and they were not invited to watch TV!
Don’t drink shots!
Buy a bottle of wine at dinner.
Always speak to children and acknowledge babies
R.S.V.P (although I never do)
Recycle gifts to people who live in another city.
Send cards!
Always offer something to drink to anyone that comes into your home…be it a guest or a workman.
Be flexible!
Break a piece of bread in half before taking a bite. No one wants to watch you put an entire piece of anything in your mouth, and cut your sandwich in half.
Always have a clean white towel for your company.
Always look the person in the eye when you shake hands.
Always stand up when you are meeting someone or a group of people for the first time.
Wash your sheets!
Smile when someone is taking your picture:)
Invite friends to lunch and pay for theirs.
Be the first to start the conversation and always start by asking about them.
Make your bed! You will sleep better!
Don’t kiss anyone you don’t really like!
Don’t let a beautiful sunrise, sunset or full moon go unnoticed…ever…ever!
Open the door for others…so nice!
Say please and thank you and I’m sorry always makes everyone feel better…always!
Talk clearly and loudly when you are talking to an older person!
John Most
I love your suggestions, NOT rules!
I am glad we were brought up this way!
Tracy Gaines
John Most…I still hate rules! I hate list too, but manage to hand them out to other’s when possible! Hence…the Maintenance Blog!
Hope you are doing well!
Brooke Miller
Omg…pretty sure I read this when I lived with Kelley in Charleston years ago! Love it..and I’m sure you’ve heard this over and over but you raised one of the sweetest gals I know!! 🙂
Also….Love the Blog!!
Tracy Gaines
Brooke…so glad you found my blog. How such sweet kids came from me has everyone puzzled! I hope your share my blog with other mean old ladies!
Brooke Miller
hahahaha I will Definitely share!! 🙂