I have been told…”If you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all”. To which I reply, ” peh leeze…shut up”! I’m guessing it is probably in my best interest to not say (or write) a word right now…but who cares…right? And you know what really pisses me off is…. a million trillion people out there have worse problems than me! UGH! I hate it when that happens. Neither get well cards nor meals are needed, I’m just in a very bad mood, and want to sit a spell and wallow.
The whole “blog thing” is a remedy for speaking candidly and spontaneously with out boundaries while dispersing my unhindered conception of my uncomplicated life. It is, and most likely always will be, a fairly colorless story that desires animation and drama, which is why I constantly crave the company of crabby cynics! I have a tendency to trivialize matters that provide prospective and meaning to others. I complicate simplicity, eradicate complexity, in search of an entertaining reason to laugh out loud.
My frustration is not, in any way, directed at a particular person… unless you happen to be the last person I spoke to (insert smile here). So why don’t we say, for the sake of this self deprecating blog … I wouldn’t edit, revise or recast a single episode. Perplexity remains and is badly needed in order to appreciate order, but thank God, the reputable advantage of affliction is a pj day, an abundance of chardonnay (no one would dare call me out), and to immerse into afflicting movies is paramount. I am licensed in all three! ( muffles and/or alleviates peevish whining with little to no side effects).
Laughter is medicine yet happy people can provoke an annoying irritation…so I fuse the two together like a scrumptious bowl of frito’s and onion dip. (love and sorrow). I’m feeling a bit melancholy today…I’m aware, and I grasp that I have too much good fortune for my own good. A pity party is a jumpy house for self indulgence and as amusing as that is…it is proportionately exhausting. Have a go and get out…others deserve to jump.
There are days, sometimes weeks, I forget to smile, but without warning my shenanigans return…I do the hokie- pokie and I turn myself about…and that, my friend, is what life is all about!
btw…Our frumpy 12 year old dog, Chauncey, who stays in a state of perpetuate mopiness and can no longer hear, still gravitates to a simple ear rub and his tail wags yet again… Gary upholds that he is one lucky dog!
Please send prayers for Gannie and Lou.
You continue to read my mind, someone once said, “great minds think a like” so save me some Fritos and Chardonnay! Constant prayers for Ganny & Lou! Love to my Gracie❤
I will save you frito’s…but I don’t “share” wine! HAHA!!!!
I can have a party with you anytime…pity or just a party!
Love you!
Love my fretos Tracy! Great job!
Hi Mary
Who wouldn’t! Especially in pj’s! So happy you are reading my blog!
Miss you!