The wizometer and I have major issues. I can see outside just fine and I prefer to judge the day on my own terms. “It’s an 11”, they declare, “and sunny”! I hear you, but it’s Sunday, and the Master’s is on. 11 Alive is insisting I go outside! I was informed what to wear by a weather man! If you want to motivate me don’t tell me what to do! It’s not effective, plain ol ordinarily kindness will do!
Don’t misunderstand…I’m inclined to be inspired all the time. Why ….this girl is on FIRE! With little influence and the slightest measure of persuasion I’m all IN! Convincing me into stuff I shouldn’t be doing is no hard sell either! I’m surprised I’m not in a cult!
The do-gooders (not you, my little yoga guru) are inspired by rants from podcasts to do better, be kinder, and to always give a helping hand. Just a while ago I read a blog from a blossoming young Mother who was writing with the intention to assist and provoke other untrained Moms with a healthy list of how to’s…(Oh Lord, another intellect). She was encouraging her readers not to feel “guilty” about their elementary child raising skills. She wrote passionately and insinuated that the exhausted, uninformed little child bearers should remember at the end of the day to light a candle and indulge themselves in a romantic moment with Baby Daddy (as if a man needs wooing). What is this…Splendor In The Grass? I don’t want to speak for all the gals, or for the blogger…but I can only presume women all over the universe are negotiating a quickie in order to get back to the Bachelor without delay.
Never the less… it is impossible for me to be inspired by unadulterated excellence. Some one please explain the thrill. I appreciate that whole stop and smell the roses thing (albeit Al Roker), but wouldn’t you agree that being knee deep in soggy diapers, breast pumps and sore nipples makes you want to tell the perfect condescending Mom to go smock and the blabbermouth blogger to butt out. And OOOHHH, those “don’t take ONE minute for granted” supermom freaks….I say, “enjoy your stinky smart ass little tikes when they get to middle school”! Like THAT is a bundle of happiness! Not smelling so much like roses now, huh? Hello puberty!
Life is challenging… that is indisputable by all the movers and all the shakers. Who has the energy to make it more than just manageable? Eat, pray, love and don’t cuss in front of Grandchildren…Goals accomplished! Sleep like a baby!
How about the “don’t sweat the small stuff” screwballs? So what if I don’t take a walk today? (small stuff) Where is my Grandchild? He/she was in this store a second ago! (medium stuff) Getting on the scales on a Monday morning is terrifying (I don’t care what anyone says)… we are talking full on, sweating the big stuff.
Perhaps I’m not the most optimistic natural-born motivational enthusiast (blogger)…but I’m a follower of sincerity. I will always be a huge fan of going outside to play and never intend to abandon my chardonnay. A ritual I practice everyday! No motivation required.
Tracy-o-meter…It’s going to be a bright, bright, sun shiny day!
AMEN, Gracie!!!
The “perfect” Grandparent only requires a target card, cookies, and huge hugs! SOOO much easier!