So much is happening right now. Holy Smokes…I’m too old for change. Or maybe I’m too immature?
I’m going to my 50th high school reunion next week. One may ask, “And how does that make you feel, Tracy”?
Well, I guess I’ll go, Tracy said… but there is no way in hell I graduated from Lakeland High School 50 years ago. The reason I know it wasn’t 50 years ago is because I’m still in high school. Or more like the 7th grade if you want to be honest. I have been told that if you get hit by a traumatic event in your early years your brain has a way of staying at that maturity level forever. I don’t know what I was “hit” with…. but it must have been quite the blow because I’m stuck in the life of a teen forever.
I’m still certain I’ll make the cheerleading squad someday.
Let’s do a little reflecting here…Did I go to college? A ton of parties? Meet a guy with hair down to his shoulders with a thick mustache that wore bell bottom pants? Raise three kids…. ME? I’m not “allowed” to do that. I would be put on major restrictions, sent to my room for days and would not be able to go to a slumber party for months. My curfew is still 11:00…right? My parents are not here, but they are watching every move…I can feel it. So how could it be that my kids seem older than me? They suddenly matured without me… abruptly they got more responsible, much smarter, and became more loveable. They themselves graduated quite a few years back, got a couple of degrees, careers, and kids …Not plausible. When will I wake up and realize I have lived a whole bunch of years in just a couple of minutes? A whole lot can happen in a few short seconds, or in a minute, a day, or a decade. My hair decided all on its own, without asking, to change its color and I have these deep dimples that I know I wasn’t born with. I remember my first kiss, but I couldn’t repeat a phone number. As my Mom always said, “What on earth”?
So now listen to this is…another biggy…a change that is really happening right before my eyes. My son, Graham, is coming to Gainesville to work at North GA Labels with his brother, Neil, and Gary is retiring. The boy with the mustache that drove a Karmann Ghia and had a job at the “modern arcade” at six flags is going to be staying at home and eating three meals a day with me. My two boys that aren’t boys anymore, will be taking it upon themselves to run the company that I swear to you Gary told me that he was thinking about starting just yesterday. Yes, I’m sure it was just yesterday. 2003… a few days ago!
Welcome home Graham…and in a blink
This is…GREAT! Love you❤️
Thanks LeAnn…You say that cause you are still a youngster, but those little Aldridge’s are growing at a rapid pace!
Sorry I missed you at Easter. Hurry back!
I feel your pain, Tracy. My oldest will be turning 39 in June and they’re expecting their first baby in August. I keep asking how is this possible when I’m only 35? I should be worrying about chasing after him, not whether I can keep up with his son at my age. Oh, and by the way I’ll see you next week at the reunion, but I swear we just graduated.
I have a new baby too. (Well, she’s my son’s…but you know) I’m so excited to have her moving here in Gainesville TODAY!
I’ll see you Friday!
Cheers to us!
That’s great news!! The brothers will do great!
You might tell Gary when he retires the same rules I told Walker when he retired.
1. You’re on your own for lunch
2. Don’t ask me where I’m going or when I’ll get home
3. No TV before 4:00
So far, so good. He did ask if he could watch Fox News while he eats lunch.
4. Last one out of the bed makes it up…unless I’m the last one out, then Walker has to make it up.😆
Yep, got him where I want him. 🙌
Y’all have fun!!! Congrats to Gary!
You have it down Miss Charlotte. But I watch TV til noon, and then go back to bed and eat my lunch!!! JK! (kinda)
As always, another good one from the famous Tracy! I couldn’t believe we had graduated 50 years ago, but we had a great party to celebrate some occasion that said we had. Hope yours is fun, too. Best of luck with Gary’s retirement!
Thanks Carole…I think I’ll pass around a note that says Do you like me? Check YES, or NO! And shouldn’t we be having this reunion in the orange grove?
Time, she surely flies. And she can be unkind at times. But not even time can stop the Tilt -A – whirl from turning. Have a great reunion. You will do fine.
Loved the Tilt-A-Whirl…I just didn’t realize you couldn’t get off. I always look forward to going “home”. It feels like time has stood still for just a second. I’m frozen in time when I pass by the streets where I rode my bike and walk on the sidewalk where I walked to my elementary school, and of course the pool where I lived in the summer. “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away”
Awesome as usual from my favorite!!
Don’t blink!
You are the youngest 16 year old I’ve ever known:). Why didn’t you tell me the dimples don’t go away?! 😂😢
Can’t wait for more family in this next life adventure!!
We are embarking on more family, more memories, and more fun…but maybe the best part for Graham and Mercy’s is Merle gets two of the cutest full-time babysitters for free! Oh, and about the dimples…they Multiply btw!
And time marches on—and on!! I LOVE keeping up with you and yours!
Love you and miss you!!❤️🥂
Linda S
I will always love the “boy” in the pool! I miss you like crazy… And we will be together soon! Boyfriend!
We all feel the same way! What I really can’t wait to read about though is y’all’s 50th reunion!
It will be a love affair…Me, Lib, Melis, Mary, Sandy, Bev….it goes on and on and on….
Old friendships never die…. young!
Tracy, I don’t know how you do this… I have had writer’s block since Miss Haley’s class! I also blocked out the “fact” that Libby said I copied her paper and got an A while she got a C. I don’t remember a thing… 🙂 See you Friday!
I can do this because no one is GRADING my paper! And Libby remembers every day of Jr. High and High school, but I think sometimes she remembers things the way she “wants” to remember things! Just saying…. 🙂
Looking forward to seeing you guys!
Oh my goodness….. SO, so, sooooo good!!!!! I never made cheerleading either (that my mother didn’t pay for🤦♀️) and the hair changing color, well that was Decades ago for me:) I can’t BELIEVE Gary worked at Six Flags😳😳… remember how beautiful it used to be… the flowers, and tram rides to the entrance!!! I might be with you pretty soon😘