Getting out of your comfort zone is frighting to everyone. Someone said you must do something that frightens you at least once everyday. Well I do something frightening about once a year. I can proudly say I have completed this task, with much success, for 2015! I took a blogging class! IN downtown Atanta…IN a BIG tall building… with a LARGE parking deck….an ALL GLASS lobby… and a really long CONFERENCE table! Although this type of atmosphere is not (in the least) intimidating to millions, it is not exacly where the climate of my day to day life finds me. I even had my first day of school new outfit! Oddly, I was the only one wearing white pants and espadrilles. Probably because a cute Tory Burch espadrille doesn’t compare to the coolness of jeans and tattoos. The class cost a lot of money, so I was certain that I would be surrounded by corporate America wanting to know how to get their books about “Compensation: Issues of Justice and Fairness” on the New York best sellers list, but there was only one of those. Sigh of Joy…(one of the girls in the class) and me!!
The rest were merly trying to put their BIG ideas into a small blog and make BIG money. The first girl that opened up the forum was considering blogging because she wants to write a book regarding severely handicapped children. Her expertise was that she was a teacher of challenged children. I say good for her! Yet, that was the first time, and definitely not the last, the instructors asked,”What exactly is your PURPOSE”? (with out saying, this has got to be the most frightening and threatening word in the english language). YIKES!
The young, soft spoken girl to follow shyly told the class that she didn’t mind sharing the fact with ALL of us, that she had severe anger management issues, yet through extensive therapy she has unraveled her past, and now knows why she beats people up. Her “purpose” is to enlighten us on how to not beat the shit out of people by reading her blog. (holy crap….I thought attending a blogging class was bad ass scary)
The instructor’s were engaging, and did a wonderful job of making everyone of us believe we have
something fabulous to share with the world, and here is a bonus…you never have to have a conversation with any one as long as you blog. Side note, the person sitting to my left wants to sell
aromatherapy…which is a delightful “feel good” environmentally “friendly” product, and for the life
of me, I couldn’t get a smile out of her, even after offering her all of the fried chicken I brought for
the pot luck lunch! Maybe there is an antidote happy spray you can make from sea weed!
So it went on from person to person, and I am finding myself slightly more comfortable. I tucked my
white leggings up under me in my large conference chair with big arms and it even swings from side to side. They offered mimosa, and I was thinking for $175.00 a class…not a glass…shoowaa!
So, the time has come. The long awaited, much dreaded time to share with the thinkers and
the bloggers and a potential murderer why I was there. My face reddens, I’m HOT, my lips start
quivering because I have to explain to all of them why I am there. Exactly what I had been fearing
since I signed up for blogging 101. It is time to tell my blogger’s, that I do not have domain, nor do I
have a PURPOSE…Not one for life or much less a blogging class! I just want to become famous!
You are fabulously famous my dear….You are a writer !!!!!!!! and an excellent one. !!!
Hi Sweet Sandy…I love writing, but I need some time with my favorite Lakeland girls…for more material!!!