My Mom had Alzheimer’s. Somehow she was able to keep her remarkable sense of humor to the end of her time, but the horrible part of forgetting…is not so funny…nor forgiving.
My Mom loved reading at the beach, eating lunch at “swanky” ( her favorite word) restaurants, traveling with her girls, happy hour and her beloved bath robe(s). She had the gift of flexibility and spunk! She would go anywhere, any time, at the drop of a hat! The gift that kept on giving, as long as we had Dad’s credit card! Luckily I got the same gene! (minus the credit card)
She hated tacky things (which was just about everything), she didn’t like bragger’s (unless she was the one talking), and she refused to watch TV. She thought it was boring. ( a little ADD, before ADD )
Tomorrow, is August the fourth, my birthday, and also four years since we celebrated her life. She claimed they gave her “laughing gas” while she was delivering me…I’m not sure what the drug actually was…but that explains some things about me. BTW…my Dad was at the local bar, where Dad’s were ” allowed” to hang out while their wives were having babies…Who doesn’t LOVE the 50’s!
Now EVERYONE I know is starting to complain about being forgetful….car keys, sunglasses, and cell phones are just to much to manage. OMG…Trivia questions are my worst nightmare… just trying to get through the day is a constant game of charade’s. It’s hilarious, yet horrifying, that you need at least 4 people to help you tell one story. Now when you say, “I guess you had to be there”…
You wonder…WERE THEY?
I would like to wrap things up with this “heartfelt” blog by telling you the greatest “one liner” ever told, by Mema….
It came straight from the heart, of my very charming, and very cynical Mom….
My daughter, Kelley, still in her late teens, said, “Mema, when I have children, and you become a great grandmother, what do you want them to call you”?
Mema replied “Dead”!
(and, she was just getting started!)
Happy Birthday to me! Thanks MOM!
I’ve always had a lot to say…but since no one would listen… I had to start writing!
Happy Birthday, dear Tracy. You are just getting started…in so many ways!
Maybe being a late bloomer is a good thing…just starting to forget!
Tracy..who knew such talent in that pretty face! I look forward to your next story xoxo
My face got old, so I had to start writing!
You are great. You will always be my best friend
Because you know tooooo much! You say it all and it actually comes out sounding nice. Keep writing! Love you
A friend that “knows too much” is the best kind! Love you!
Hi. I love you
You are too funny
I’m waiting
We all are… So make sure you are loving your “waiting room”!
So are you and I know you do:)